தமிழ் லெக்சிகன் - Tamil Lexicon
  • விசிஷ்டாத்துவைத ஸ்தாபனாசாரியர். Rāmānuja, a šrī Vaišṇava Acārya (teacher) and ascetic (1017 - 1137 A.D.) who was the leading exponent of the Visišṭādvaita doctrine of pantheistic non-dualism which treats the world and Jīvas as adjuncts to the Lord and thus synthesises all the three in

சென்னைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம் (DSAL)
  • n. < id. Rā-mānuja, a Šrī Vaiṣṇava Ācārya (teacher) and ascetic (1017–1137 A.D.) who was the leadingexponent of the Višiṣṭādvaita doctrine of pantheistic non-dualism which treats the world and Jīvas as adjuncts to the Lord and thus synthesises all the three into one unit, and who was also the author of the Šrī Bhāṣya, a commentaryon the Brahma sūtras: விசிஷ்டாத்துவைத ஸ்தாபனாசாரியர்.